What support services are available in higher education?

Transitioning from high school to college is a significant milestone for any student, but for those with special needs, it can come with additional challenges and concerns. Fortunately, colleges and universities across the country are increasingly recognizing the importance of providing comprehensive support services and accommodations to ensure that all students, including those with special needs, can succeed in higher education. 

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12 ways to prevent the "summer slide"

Summer vacation is a time of excitement and relaxation for students and their families. However, for parents of special education students, this break from the structured school environment can pose unique challenges. One of the primary concerns is the “summer slide,” where students lose some of the academic gains they made during the school year.

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William LaneComment
Why should I have an IEP team?

Collaborating with outside professionals to support services in the IEP is a dynamic approach that enhances the educational experience for students with exceptionalities. By leveraging the expertise of specialists, schools can create more tailored assessments, develop specialized interventions, and provide holistic support.

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